About the I2W - datalogging now included
Welcome to the I2W. This works like an I2 and looks nearly the same but includes powerful new features. It has a Wi-Fi transmitter built in that enables a smartphone, tablet or PC to monitor the I2W from the internet or locally via your router. Graphs and dials showing energy flows in the I2W, such as on the free cloud dashboard below, can be displayed. (Single click on it to show a larger view). Four different current transformer sensors can be monitored. A free Android app is also available.
I2W Free Cloud Dashboard
The history of your data is stored in free cloud storage for later retrieval by download.
Subscription Service
A subscription service is also available with extra functionality such as daily sums, remote control and control of other IOT devices such as Hive plugs
With the subscription service you can remote control the I2W allowing you to turn the hot water from solar back on a few days before returning from holiday.
We are constantly expanding the range of devices that it links with. We have special routines to control Hot Tub heaters, ground or air source heat pumps and more.
Text and email alerts can be sent if certain conditions are met. Very useful for sending an alert for an unoccupied holiday let. All in all it is a home automation hub as well as a solar diverter.
Existing customers who have an I2 may be able to upgrade their I2 to an I2W. Engensa Solar24 units, which were a rebranded I2, may be upgradeable too. Please contact us for more details giving the issue letter written on your PCB (C or D) and the colour of the transformer fitted to it, remembering to isolate the mains before opening the unit up. The cost will be less the later the I2 was made as less updating is needed to make it into an I2W.
For further information please download the I2W data sheet here